The new generation of Mindstorms is out with all new features and sensors. For all the robot fans out there, this is what you need to have in your house. It has 609 pieces and has a price of $349.99 which is pricey so you would want to get this for Christmas. You can easily build, program and command the new generation of robots which has faster processing of the intelligent brick and all new sensors. If you buy this set you will find 1 EV3 programmable brick, 2 large motors, 1 medium motor, 1 touch sensor, 1 color sensor, 1 infrared sensor, 1 remote control, cables, USB cable and 585 Technic elements. This means that the EV3 is packed with goods. Personally it might be advanced, new, etc but I like the NXT better because its basic and I think its better in design. The EV3 looks evil and ready to take over the world while for me the NXT will never be old. Also I do not like the way they used the rubber pieces for the feet. I like the development in its processing and sensors which I wish were in the NXT because I really would like to test them out but overall I would give the EV3 a 7-8/10.

Mindstorm EV3 Video