Sunday, January 19, 2014

Lego Pinball Machine Version 1 On Its Way!

Its has been a while since my last creation which was Lego Coin Bank V2. I decided to change things a little bit and I am currently building a new machine. This pinball machine consists of a regular candy machine mechanism to dispense the balls for gameplay. Its not an old boring pinball machine without a reward. Even though its the first version, I thought of adding a reward system where when the ball gets into the hole, the player will receive a prize which I have not decided yet. The prize will probably be twice the money you will be paying to play the game. So if you put 1 dollar to get the marbles from the dispenser and make it into the hole, you will get 2 dollars back. It is up to you what to do with the money but why not play some more? So far the machine is about 25-30% complete because there are a lot more details I will have to consider to make an interesting machine. The machine does niot have any Mindstorms or Power Functions to power the machine. I really like how I did the "WIN" and "$" signs because they really stand out well. Here are some pictures of the progress and the things I still need to work on. Below there is a preview in different angles of the amazing machine:

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