Sunday, January 26, 2014

Lego Pinball Update 2-Almost There!

Its been a week since the last update and all that I can say is that its close to finishing. I have currently been working on this project once a week since I was very limited on time but planning to get it done this week. I have put in the flippers which do work well and tested them out with the reward system. Also the reward system will contain coins and will be dispensed if the ball makes it into the hole. This was also tested and did work smoothly. The main part to finish now is the ball dispensing mechanism which is extremely tall because it has to dispense the balls onto the pinball area. Everything else seems to be great and will be on Youtube within the week or so. Also I will need to get some rubber bands so the flippers work like real pinball flippers. Also I ran low on the yellow so I decided to add some grey bricks so that the color scheme was kept the same. Hopefully this will be the last update and will be presented on Youtube for a close up and see what this amazing machine is all about! Stay tuned until then.

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